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The melting point of this Dry Gel is the best compromise you can find between too soft and too hard. Therefore, there will be no messy melting of Gel in summer nor “too hard to finger-melt” situation in winter any longer. 15g.
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Most conventional fly sinkants have too low a consistency and they tend to leak out of the bottle easily. Tiemco Sink Gel has a the perfect consistency for easy storage and use. 15g.
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Floatants sometimes change your fishing. This is a silicone-based gel floatant suited for all types of dry flies, including CDC patterns. Lasts longer and floats higher.
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Power Dryer contains desiccant and powder floatant. A hard brush with Power Dryer powder removes water from a soaked fly, leaving it dry, clean and buoyant in a few seconds.
Note: Do not use along with gel-type or other sticky floatants.
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Place your fly in Shimazaki Dry-Shake and shake it vigorously for several seconds. The fly becomes thoroughly water repellent right to the tips of hackle fibers and sits on the surface film exactly as a natural insect does. Your fly won't sink!
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Dun-colored Shimazaki Dry-Shake. This will not affect the original dark colors of flies. It works as well as the white one. The only problem with Dry Shake now is that we have to make room for both of them in our fishing vests!
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With use of the Dry-Shake Primer, Dry Shake powder stays on flies longer. Great for CDC feathers, too. Your flies are going to float longer, be more visible and more fishable.
Apply this material just before Dry-Shaking.
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Made from a highly water absorbant, state-of-the-art synthetic material, the Fly Kerchief II draws the water out of your fly much better and faster than the taraditional amadou. Perfect to use before treating the fly with Dry-shake.
Review: Read a review of the Fly Kerchief II by Tassie Guide Christopher Bassano